Imaging, Microscopy and More

  • Playing with the Speed of Light

    MIT is releasing a game and new engine which allows the player to experience the effects of changes to the speed of light. Very cool way to show these effects!  

  • Getting the most from Fiji on your Mac

    Fiji is an excellent fork of imageJ, but one limitation of the build is that many of the plugins used with it are compiled only to run in x32 environments. If you are running a modern Mac, you may have noticed that the status bar in the main window shows [x64} when running. This is…

  • Ghosts of WW2

    There is an amazing collection of images on flicker by Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse which uses original WW2 photos and newly shot photos from the same locations in several cities in Europe. Very interesting application for image processing, and amazing results.  

  • Next Steps for Quantum Computing?

    Interesting research on realizing a quantum system. Hope it works! -Austin      

  • Using a Virtual Machine to Expand your computer’s capability

      In my recent job change I was asked what type of computer I wanted for daily work. I could choose a desktop or a laptop, either Mac or PC. I’ve been a PC user since before DOS, in fact my very first computer was a TRS-80 on which I learned BASIC programming, as you…

  • Last flight of the Space Shuttle and the end of an era

    Last Friday I was privileged to watch the Endeavor fly over downtown Sacramento, CA. The Endeavor was atop it’s transport 747 as it made low passes over several cities in California. Watching it fly over reminded me of being a child, watching some of the early shuttle launches. I was watching the news when the…

  • ImageJ 2 Almost released?

    I had a chance to check up on the ImageJ 2 project. The version 2.02 beta was released a few days ago and I played with it a bit. There are a lot of things left to be done for sure, but it looks like the project is coming along well. You can find the…

  • Nikon LU4A Fiber hack

    Many people who own a Nikon C2 or A1 confocal may not realize it, but the laser launch used with these confocals may include an optional second fiber output. The LU4-A version of Nikon’s laser launch includes a 2 fiber option for systems which may use TIRF and confocal. Some TIRF standalone systems are also…

  • $35 Spectromoeter Project on Kickstarter

    Cool project for easy build of a spectrometer. This group already has the software available for download here, and you can see a how to on building a spectrograph from available parts here. If I get a chance to try this out I’ll post a build log on it. This uses a DVD like similar…

  • Everything changes….

    Five years ago I moved back near my hometown in California, to take a local imaging sales job for Technical Instruments covering UC Davis. Over those four years I had children, completely changed my job title and territory, and learned more than I could imagine about the many facets of our industry. This month I…