Recently one of my clients was working with a Blackfly S camera from FLIR, and noticed that the TTL signaling was not working properly. With some investigation, we discovered the cause to be the camera running at 3.3V output TTL, with very little drive current, whereas the Triggerscope is configured to accept 5V input TTL signals.

Needing to address this problem, we used a standard level shifting circuit, and stuffed the wires into a small enclosure. After thinking about this, I figured others may have the same problem (not only with PTG or FLIR cameras, but others also), and so decided to roll out a dedicated PCB to address this need. So – it’s posted to the store website. The circuit diagram can be seen below for those interested. You can place orders for these on the storefront here, with shipping as early as the week of 10/12/20.
This can be used with any device that outputs a 3.3v signal. If you have questions on how to connect things or if it will work for your system, please don’t hesitate to contact us! – Austin

2 responses to “New Product Announcement – 3.3 – 5V TTL Level Shifter”
I wish I could zoom in on the wiring detail.
Seems similar to a signal converter?
Yes it is!