Getting the most from Fiji on your Mac

Fiji is an excellent fork of imageJ, but one limitation of the build is that many of the plugins used with it are compiled only to run in x32 environments. If you are running a modern Mac, you may have noticed that the status bar in the main window shows [x64} when running. This is great, as you van get all of the memory capacity the computer has to provide, but if you want to run a plugin which is only x32 compliant, you’re out of luck.

In order to avoid this you can force fiji to run as an x32 instance. I attempted the easy way, of simply adjusting the maximum memory down to below 1800mb, as is referenced in this guide. I ended up needing to launch the program from a terminal window. Also – while the text on fiji’s site says run:

arch -i386 /Applications/

I needed to change this on my system to read

arch -i386 /Applications/

This gave me access to all of the great plugins offered by fiji, without worrying about the OS compatibility issues.





