Category: Uncategorized

  • Nikon LU4A Fiber hack

    Many people who own a Nikon C2 or A1 confocal may not realize it, but the laser launch used with these confocals may include an optional second fiber output. The LU4-A version of Nikon’s laser launch includes a 2 fiber option for systems which may use TIRF and confocal. Some TIRF standalone systems are also…

  • $35 Spectromoeter Project on Kickstarter

    Cool project for easy build of a spectrometer. This group already has the software available for download here, and you can see a how to on building a spectrograph from available parts here. If I get a chance to try this out I’ll post a build log on it. This uses a DVD like similar…

  • Everything changes….

    Five years ago I moved back near my hometown in California, to take a local imaging sales job for Technical Instruments covering UC Davis. Over those four years I had children, completely changed my job title and territory, and learned more than I could imagine about the many facets of our industry. This month I…

  • Hoverbike is here?

    I’m guessing these are short videos due to the lack of a good power source. Still, very cool tech:

  • Some non-imaging fun

    I haven’t been posting much as I’ve been on vacation a bit of last week. During my trip I was able to spend some time rock crawling in a friends Toyota Cruiser. This is a 40+ year old vehicle, that’s been so rebuilt and well maintained it looks, ad performs, much better than new. I…

  • OUYA is exploding on Kickstarter

    As anyone who reads my blog know, I’m a big fan of Kickstarter. I was able to acquire the benefits of owning a CNC machine for about 1/10th the cost of a commercial system. I’ve also recently backed a dual extruder project, which just funded. Today I noticed that the OUYA tv open source gaming…

  • 3-D Viewing Software for Biologists

    I was looking for some data on common 3-D analysis techniques when I found this great resource from UNC Chapel Hill.They have programs for 3-D viewing, point tracking, and a few other interesting things. The ImageSurfer program looks especially nice. Haven’t played with it too much but it seems to work ok on test file…

  • Will SPIM kill the confocal?

    I’ve been hearing more and more about SPIM systems, or “Light Sheet” microscopes. They rely on a simple change in the use of objectives, which provides one objective for excitation of an imaging plane, and another objective for collection of emission. This avoids the PSF error found in a conventional system, where the exciting and…

  • 250 Posts and counting….

    Today I reached my 250th post. Interesting benchmark consider how it seems I’m never posting as much as I’d like. I guess I’ll have to make an orchestrated effort to hit 500 posts in 1/2 the time! Of course, to all of you who visit my site and who read my ramblings, a sincere thanks.…

  • ASI RAMM Microsocpe Testing

    Over the past few years, ASI has cooked up a modular microscope. The design was for an optical bench that would support a wide range of configurations, as well as rapid adaptation and expansion. The system relies on conventional lenses, thus you can use any high quality Leica, Zeiss Nikon or Olympus objective. Just attach…