Microscopists frequently work in the dark, in order to keep background ambient light out of our images . This means we need curtains, dark rooms, and even custom monitor color configurations in order to drop the room light for imaging. If you don’t want to go through the hassle, you can simply block the light from hitting the sample, right at the scope.
My company is now making a small product I’ve cooked up that blocks ambient light from hitting the objective/specimen area, while allowing full observation of a sample under transmitted and fluorescent light. It’s a simple solution to a common problem.

The tube seen at the top uses threaded, soft tipped set screws to clamp onto the condenser lens assembly at the bottom of the transmitted arm on an inverted scope. By pushing the arm to the back of it’s travel, you can leave the box attached and easily change specimens. Production versions also include a felt base which extends to the stage surface, forming a good consistent curtain against ambient light.
We can make these in flat top and attachable configurations for any type of transmitted condenser. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in buying one 🙂